Driving Organizational Sustainability through Platform Engineering

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, organizations are continually seeking ways to ensure their long-term success without compromising short-term achievements. This balance, often referred to as organizational sustainability, is crucial in a world where changes occur swiftly and frequently. Platform engineering emerges as a key strategy in achieving this balance, offering a socio-technical solution to …

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DORA Metrics: Best Practices for DevOps Teams

In the vibrant domain of DevOps and Platform Engineering, DORA Metrics stand out, providing a structured approach towards understanding and improving team performance. DORA metrics are four key metrics that measure the performance of software development teams. They were developed by the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team at Google, and have become widely used …

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What is an Internal Developer platform (IDP)?

An internal developer platform (IDP) is a set of tools and technologies that provides developers with self-service capabilities to build, test, and deploy applications. IDPs can help to improve developer productivity, reduce friction, and streamline the software development lifecycle. it is a component of platform engineering, by consolidating numerous development facets, IDPs make the daily …

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Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana

In today’s cloud-native ecosystem, Kubernetes has emerged as the go-to orchestration platform, facilitating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. However, with the increased complexity and dynamism that Kubernetes brings, effective monitoring becomes crucial. That’s where Prometheus and Grafana come in. In this article, we will delve into how these tools can be combined …

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Platform Engineering vs DevOps: The Key Differences

As technology evolves, so does the vocabulary used to describe the various roles, practices, and disciplines within the field. “Platform Engineering vs DevOps”, two terms that often get intertwined. While they share many similarities and even overlap in several areas, they are distinct disciplines with unique scopes, objectives, and methodologies. In this post, we’ll unpack …

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The Power of Internal Developer Portals: Spotlight on Backstage

Internal Developer Portals are a key component of An Internal Developer Platform (IDP). They act as a centralized hub where developers can find all the tools, libraries, and documentation needed to do their jobs effectively. In this post, we will explore the significance of and focus on Backstage, an open-source developer portal that brings unique …

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Monitoring and the User Experience: How Data Can Improve Customer Satisfaction

In today’s hyper-competitive digital landscape, user experience (UX) can make or break a product. For platform engineering teams, monitoring is not just about keeping systems operational; it’s also about optimizing performance to ensure a stellar user experience. This post explores how data collected through monitoring can be utilized to improve customer satisfaction. The User Experience …

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Monitoring for Compliance: How Platform Engineering Aids in Regulatory Adherence

Introduction In today’s digital landscape, compliance with various regulatory frameworks like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS has become a necessity rather than an option. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines, reputational damage, and even legal consequences. While the responsibility of adhering to these regulations falls on every part of an organization, platform engineering plays a critical …

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